Mr. R. Venkat Reddy

Mr. R. Venkat Reddy, National Convener, M V Foundation has been involved in strengthening capacities of youth volunteers, members of school education committees and Gram Panchayats in building an environment for total abolition of Child Labour and in favour of children’s right to education. Through his strategic planning and orchestration of community groups more than 80,000 youth volunteers, 2,500 members of Gram Panchayats, 2,500 Government School Teachers and school education committee members are working relentlessly for the cause of abolition of child labour.


Through his innovative organizational skills M V Foundation has expanded its activities from 3 villages in 1991 to 10000 villages in 2005, and from covering 30 children in 1991 to covering 950,000 children in 2007. Over 10,00,000 children have been withdrawn from work and mainstreamed in to full time formal schools under his leadership.

He is involved in networking with Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA), National Child Labour Project (NCLP) and other government programmes in Andhra Pradesh and several other states in the country. In addition, he has been instrumental in building alliances with NGOs and government officials in other States such as Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Bihar and Assam and also in other countries such as Nepal and Morocco. He has represented NGOs from India in the UN Special Session on Children, New York in May 2002 and December, 2007. He has visited Kenya, Morocco, Uganda and Central American countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Costa Rica for orienting the partners and strengthening the partnerships/alliances for the campaign against child labour and right to education.

He is also a member of the Central Advisory Board on Child Labour, Ministry of Labour, Government of India, the Expert group on Monitoring of Children’s Right to Education Act, NCPCR and the State Level Expert Committee on Social Welfare Hostels, Government of Andhra Pradesh.